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Making a Guest List?! O_o

Please be prepared for stream of conscience: Guest Lists are hard. You wouldn't expect them to be. You're literally trying to decide who you want to be there with you on one of the most important days of your life. My first reaction? Everyone. Clearly. Let me just copy paste my 1300 Facebook friends onto a guest list and we're good. Oh wait, I have to send each of them an actual invitation? Stamps cost 50¢ a stamp? Hmm. Maybe we should cut that list down a bit. And wait, who is that guy? I think I met them once at a tournament six years ago... Ok. Nixing the Facebook list. Now, if a family member already told me they won't be able to come, do I send them a courtesy invitation anyways? You know, one of those, "I love you and I want to include you in my life even though I know you have a life of your own and can't come" things? Ugh. This is complicated. How many people can fit in the church again? And how many can we have at the reception? How many cookies does the average person eat? They're Jolene's. So probably five each because the cookies are that addicting. That's a lot of cookies.  I'm hungry... Ok. I've limited it down to 500. Wait, what do you mean Nathan still has to add his people?? Ahh. I'm done. I'm going to go transcribe random YouTube videos instead.

And this is why my mother is frustrated with me.


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